Jackson Lu:
我来自中国重庆,一个因独特的地理构造和 “网红景点”而闻名的城市。我因此受到启发,将自己对光线和结构的理解在海外实习时,机缘巧合的应用到了加拿大的时尚/商业摄影上。我进修的电影专业也加强了我对视觉艺术的理解,回国以后,犹如对自己的家乡重庆一样,我的摄影哲学也因此重新树立。
Jackson Lu is from Chongqing, China, known for it’s wealth of ancient art and unique geography and urban “cyberpunk” cityscape. He brings his artistic talent and depth of lines and lighting, to the Canadian fashion industry enhancing the work of our North American body of work, in which we love his global experiences. Jackson is an avid photographer seeking artistry in his photography in which his styles plays with lights and dimensions of depth.